Studio Policies: COVID-19, Registration, Tuition, Classes and Etiquette


ATTP COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy for the Balance of 2020 or Until Rescinded

In an effort to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff, the following will be strictly enforced. Please note that these requirements are being put in place out of an abundance of caution and not as a means of limiting or unnecessarily burdening participation. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • If your dancer is experiencing illnesses of any kind, please keep your child home until the illness has passed or a medical professional approves of their return to class (Example: If your child stays home from school for any illness related matter, please do not send them to in-person class). A dancer who arrives at the studio experiencing any kind of illness, will not be allowed to participate in that days classes.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have afforded clear guidelines that recommend that if a person tests positive for COVID-19 or comes in direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, they are to remain in quarantine for the next 15 days. We know you all know this information, but we are offering it as a friendly reminder.
  • If your dancer is experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms, consult a medical professional and adhere to the recommendations of the CDC.
  • If during the course of a class, we notice that a dancer is experiencing any visible health condition, we will immediately call that dancer’s parent/guardian and request that you immediately pick your child up, as they will be restricted from further participation. An event of this nature will trigger our protocol for disinfecting and immediately ensuring the safety and health of the other students and staff.

The nature of these new requirements are directly related to the pandemic and are being put in place in anticipation of the additional requirements that will likely be imposed by the State of California, Placer County and City Rocklin health officials. Again, appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


  • Registration is $60 per family and is due upon registering for classes, throughout the season. The membership fee will hold the student’s position in the class and is non-refundable. The registration fee may be paid via our link on the Registration and Payment tab on our website or in person at the studio.
  • Registration is mandatory if you wish to participate in any classes at our dance studio. Registration for classes is available via our on-line registration form or in studio at the front desk, and must be done before your dancer begins classes.

Tuition Payment:

  • Tuition will remain the same, unless notified otherwise. If you anticipate an absence, it will be the student’s or guardian’s responsibility to notify the studio to set up makeup classes.
  • Tuition can be paid in person at the studio. We accept checks, cash or credit card.
  • If you are paying at the studio, please place your payment in an envelope (studio will provide an envelope). Please label your envelope with your student’s name and the classes you are paying for.
  • Tuition is due the first week of dance classes each month. (Monday- Saturday) Tuition is late if not paid by the second week each month. If tuition is late, there is a $25 late fee added to your bill. If tuition is late by more than 30 days, additional late fees will be charged.
  • If you are consistently late, or you tuition bill is more than two months past due, your dancer cannot attend classes until payments are made.
  • If you pay in advance, then you leave without the 30 day notice, you will not receive a refund.
  • Credit towards tuition will only be issued if agreed upon prior to missing days OR if you have been notified that you can have a credit towards tuition.

Make up Policy:

  • If you notify our studio in advance of classes that will be missed, you can schedule makeup classes to fill those missed days. Makeup class must be within 30 days of missed class. Also, if you miss your makeup class, you do not get an additional makeup class.
  • If you notify our studio that your dancer is sick, you must request a makeup day(s), otherwise you will not receive a scheduled class for those missed days.
  • In the event that a class is cancelled due to instructor illness, and a sub is unavailable, you may schedule a makeup class within two months. It will be the student’s and or guardian’s responsibility for requesting the dates available for the makeup.

Dropping a Class:

  • A 30 day written notice is required if you wish to drop a class. Otherwise, you will still be charged for this class the following month.
  • Should a student wish to re-enroll after dropping out of a class, a re-registration fee will apply.
  • If you remain in our studio and drop classes with a 30 day notice and have prepaid for classes, you may request that money go towards next month’s tuition.

HomeSchool Vouchers:

  • We accept vouchers from most Charter Schools. You must take care of the paperwork and any additional fees to ensure that Aria’s To The Pointe is listed or registered as a Vendor.
  • You must notify us upon sign up that you wish to use vouchers to pay for classes.
  • You are still responsible for competition fees, costumes fees, performance fees and any payment the voucher does not cover.


  • We have a scholarship fund that is supported by donations, fundraisers and members of the community. If you wish to donate you may do so at the studio. We happily accept donations throughout the year. This helps to support motivated and gifted dance students throughout their training and performances.
  • If you are interested in applying for scholarship funds, please write a letter of intent. For more information, please contact Ms. Aria

Classroom Etiquette:

  • Dancers should arrive early to be prepared for class.
  • Ballet dancers must have a hair in nice tight bun at all times.
  • Ballet warm ups (sweaters, leg-warmers, shorts etc.) may be worn for plie’s only.
  • For the safety of everyone, no dangling earrings or jewelry of any kind.
  • No talking during class unless instructor gives permission to do so. This is disrespectful. If your dancer is asked several times to stop talking and does not, he or she will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class. No makeup class will be permitted.
  • No street shoes are allowed in dance floor area at any time.
  • No drinks, food or chewing gum is allowed in the dance area.
  • Dancers who are late may enter the class in between a combination and ask the instructor for permission to join the class.
  • If you are more than fifteen minutes late, you will be asked to schedule a makeup class. This disrupts the teacher and the dancers in class. Missing a large portion of a warm up can lead to injury.

Dance Studio Etiquette:

  • No food is allowed in the dance studio. Please eat snacks outside.
  • Only water is allowed in the studio.
  • Please talk quietly, if you cannot do so, you will be asked to step outside.
  • Do not disturb the class in session. Only the teachers and permitted assistants are allowed in the classroom.
  • Please do not move the furniture to stand on chairs or tables to view the class in session.

Drop-off and pick-up:

  • We encourage timely arrival early enough to warm up and prepare for class. However, please do not drop off your child more than 15 minutes prior to class or opening of the studio.
  • Please do not arrive late to pick up your child one class has finished, especially if the studio is closing. If you are consisting late picking up your child, additional fees will be charged of 15$ for every 15 minutes after class has ended.

Ms. Aria’s Rules:

  • I will decide the appropriate level for your student; this placement is based on technique, stamina, flexibility, work ethic, and ability to pick up combinations.
  • If you wish to discuss the progress of your students, please schedule a meeting.
  • For safety reasons, I will decide when a dancer will be placed en pointe, and not all students will be ready for pointe work at the same age or level.
  • The instructors will use a hands-on technique to make sure the student knows where the placement of the body needs to be.
  • Stretching is an important part of dance and it’s encouraged to do so at home and during our scheduled Stretch & Strength classes.
  • Students preparing for pointe must be enrolled in pre-pointe (by placement only) and take an additional 3 days of ballet technique classes per week. This is for strength and safety purposes; to build the correct muscles, placement and technical foundation needed for pointe work.
  • Use of elastic band (Theraband) is a necessity for all students preparing for pointe work. They are available for purchase at the front desk.
  • If only a couple of students show up to class, I reserve the right to make the class time slightly shorter.
  • I require a minimum of four students in each class. I reserve the right to cancel the class due to low enrollment. You will have the option to move to different day, if this is to occur. Alternatively, they will be placed on a wait-list if preferred.
  • Dance school Team Jackets are required if you wish to participate in competitions.
  • If you wish to participate in Competitions or Dance Company, you must take a minimum of two ballet classes per week.
  • It is my sole discretion what choreography and costumes are to be used is used for the competition dances. This applies to all groups and solos.
  • If you feel your student needs extra one-on-one instruction, please inquire about a private lesson.